Indian Railways : Train Platform EnquiryLive

Train Platform Enquiry

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Indian Railways FAQ : Train Platform Enquiry

Q : How to find the platform number at which train arrives Online?

A : You can do Train Platform enquiry for any train on any station of Indian Railways here at Indian Railways Ttrain Platform Enquiry.
It is one of the better ways to get correct platform enquiry and find train arrival platform number in real time.
All you need to do is enter the Train Name or Number in box above and select the station for which you need to enquire to get the updated platform number of that train.
You can find Train Name or Number by just entering first 3 letters and it will show you a list from which you can select the train. The Stations will be available to select depending upon train.
Platform Number of Train Arrival / Departure can also be checked at every station where enquiry counters are available for this purpose.

Q : How to find the platform number at which train arrives through SMS?

A : Not Possible. Indian Railways does not provide this facility.

Q : How to find the platform number at which train arrives through Phone?

A : Railway Enquiry Number : Call 139

Q : What does the Train Platform Enquiry headings mean?

A : Train Number: Number of the Train which is queried.
Train Name: Name of the Train which is queried.
Station Name & Code: Name of the Station which is queried.
Platform Number: Number of platform on enquired Station at which train is expected to arrive
Origin Station: Station Name from where the train has started (Origin).
Destination Station: Station Name at which the train will end (Destination).

Q : Why do i get Error. Please try later : Message / Status?

A : If Trains Stopping on Station for your queried station is not delivered, the following reasons could be responsible:
1 - You entered an incorrect or invalid train number.
2 - You entered an incorrect or invalid station.
3 - Indian Railways server is down or overloaded.

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